Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hw 55

Part 1:
My question: "Is therapy as effective as medication for treatment of stress and depression?"
Part 2:
Yu-Xi: Your question is interesting, but potentially difficult to investigate. In order to make it easier, you may want to chose one specific aspect of bonding to investigate in depth. For example, you could ask 'What are some common situations that lead to deepening romantic relationships?' You could also try to make your question easier to research by making it more scientific, so that there would be more concrete evidence available.

Devin (section 1) :
This is a really good question. The only room I see for improvement is in the word 'qualities', you may want to tighten that up a little. On the other hand, I think it would work just as well as it is if you then define specific aspects in the thesis of the paper itself.

Part 3:
Marano, Hara. "Talk Therapy vs. Drugs ." Psychology Today. N.p., 01 Feb 2004. Web. 12 May 2010. .
A short but interesting source from Psychology Today. It talks about the different types of effects that the two therapies have on the brain.

Davis, Jeanie. "Depression: Drug v. Talk Therapy." CBS News. CBS News, 08 Sep. 2004. Web. 12 May 2010. .
An article on the subject. It calls attention to the changes in treatment over the years, and some of the benefits and downsides of both. Also cites some useful statistics on prescription drug use and coverage.

"Do You Need Drugs or Talk Therapy?." N.p., 05 May 2008. Web. 12 May 2010. .
An article from comparing the two. This one seems to be leaning towards talk therapy, but perhaps as a defense of it in the face of support for drug therapy. Like the previous article, it mentions that drugs work faster but talk works better.

"Drugs vs. talk therapy." Consumer Reports Health. Consumer Reports, Oct 2004. Web. 12 May 2010. .
From Consumer Reports. Contains a wide variety of information, from analysis of the results of a large survey to discussion about insurance coverage to comparisons of different drugs.

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